Over 20 years of providing beautiful, natural results

Face, body, and breast specialist

Usha Rajagopal MD Plastic Surgeon San Francisco

Dr. Usha Rajagopal | San Francisco Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Established in San Francisco’s iconic Union Square, we have been a trusted leader in Bay Area cosmetic plastic surgery for 20+ years, treating over 40,000 patients. We offer a comprehensive range of both innovative and classic procedures specializing in the face, breast and body. Our practice is led by renowned Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Usha Rajagopal, voted “Best Plastic Surgeon in San Francisco” by the San Francisco Examiner, who brings compassion, expertise, and feminine insight to her craft. For the past decade, Dr. Rajagopal has been invited to present at national conferences and has served as an Allergan trainer for various physicians and nurses of different specialties, teaching best practices for Botox and advanced injectable and surgical techniques for the entire face. She is also a published author and her article on non-surgical rhinoplasty and thread lifts for the face can be found in the latest volumes of Advances in Cosmetic Surgery.

Dr. Rajagopal empowers patients by helping them select the right procedures for their unique vision and body type. Our highly-trained, supportive staff is sensitive to the comfort and privacy of each patient. We strive to provide our patients natural and lasting results with unparalleled attention to detail. We are an all-women medical staff multilingual in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Hindi, Tamil, French, and Tagalog.

I find great pleasure in helping my patients look and feel attractive, and thus live more fulfilling lives, both personally and professionally.”
— Usha Rajagopal, MD





Non-Surgical BBL

Simple, non-surgical procedure to contour the buttocks and fill in hip dips.

(Image of our actual patient results)

Non-Surgical Nose Job

Get the profile you’ve always wanted! No surgery required.