hCG Success Stories: Part IV

Did you know that losing weight/getting fit is the most popular New Year’s resolution there is? Well, in honor of resolutions–and to shine the spotlight on someone who’s following through with hers–we thought we’d check back in with Michele, who’s still going strong with her hCG weight reduction treatment.

Today, we’re getting one last update from Michele, in the form of two diet journal entries: one from just after Christmas, and one from a week after New Year’s. Our team at the San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center is incredibly proud of the perseverance and dedication she’s shown as she’s gone through our hCG program. Here are her parting words:

hCG Blog 12/28/11–

Well, I’ve survived two parties and a Christmas dinner this week, and even managed to lose 2 more pounds! My son wanted a big feast, so we went out to eat (no leftovers),  and he got 90 percent of what was on my plate.

It is possible to socialize and stay on track with the hCG diet. I’ve found that most restaurants will give me a plate of salad greens and 3 oz. of grilled shrimp or chicken with their dressing on the side. I ignore the house dressing, and bring a little bottle of apple cider vinegar or ask for a lemon wedge to use instead. You can always get iced coffee, tea, or sparkling water to drink, too–even in bars! I shared a table at a salad bar this week with a nice couple who said they admired my “discipline.” I told them about the diet and my efforts to get a head start on my New Year’s resolution; it felt good to get recognition for my efforts!

hCG Blog 1/06/12–

Happy New Year, happy New Me! I only have a small amount of weight loss to report this week, but at least I haven’t gained any!  I haven’t seemed to be able to get under 131 pounds. It’s been a constant up and down–steak day, apple day–but when I look at the overall weight loss I’ve achieved with the hCG diet (from 178 pounds to 131 pounds in six months), I can’t really complain! It’s the most weight I’ve ever lost at one time. I’m moving on to exercise, real exercise, now. Cross-training, hot yoga, and spinning, plus Latin dance to tighten  my skin, stretch/strengthen my muscles, and burn off this last little bit of fat.

Girls (and you boys, too)–what are you waiting for?  The time is now. Come see Dr. Rajagopal and her friendly staff so that you can get started on the new you. I’ve gone from a size 16 to a size 6 with their help. Thanks for reading this far–now get going!


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