Labiaplasty with Dr. Usha Rajagopal

drrajAre you considering labiaplasty? If so, look no further—the San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center’s Dr. Usha Rajagopal is the plastic surgeon you’ve been looking for. A trusted name in plastic surgery for almost twenty years, Dr. Rajagopal has performed over 1,000 labiaplasty surgeries, and the procedure continues to be one of her primary areas of focus.

As you probably know, labiaplasty is employed to decrease the size or improve the appearance of a woman's labia minora. Many women turn to labiaplasty because they experience pain or discomfort in their day-to-day lives due to the size or shape of their labia—during physical activity (bike riding, running, even walking) or when wearing tight pants, for example. Other women pursue it because they are simply unhappy with the way their labia looks, and it affects their body image.

For those who don’t suffer from this issue, it can be difficult to understand why someone would seek surgery to address it. Those who do, however, know that it can make a woman feel just as self-conscious or embarrassed about her appearance as sagging facial skin or drooping breasts might.

If you come to Dr. Rajagopal for labiaplasty, you can expect her to carefully go over the procedure with you before you come in for surgery. We also provide extensive information about her approach, our facilities, and more (including a video of Dr. Rajagopal performing an actual labiaplasty) here on our website so you know exactly what to anticipate going into and following surgery. During the procedure itself, you can rest assured that Dr. Rajagopal has the experience and skill to minimize scarring and successfully preserve the natural contour, pigmentation, and sensitivity of the labia minora.

Labiaplasty tends to have very low complication rates and overwhelming patient approval—especially among our own patients here at the San Francisco & Plastic Surgery Center. We believe that women deserve to feel comfortable with each and every part of their body. If you need help in that area, come see Dr. Rajagopal—she’ll get you on the path there!


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