San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center | Usha Rajagopal, MD

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Recovering from Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty recovery isn’t terribly long or painful, but it’s good to be prepared for what’s to come. Here are some tips on what to expect after nose surgery:

Dull aching around the nose and a mild headache can be expected for a few days following rhinoplasty. You may feel uncomfortable enough to want to take pain medication for the first one or two days, but after that the discomfort should subside, and you shouldn’t need anything stronger than Tylenol.

One of the most common side effects felt by patients during recovery from rhinoplasty is the sensation of being congested, which is caused by swelling of the inside of the nose. This stuffiness can persist for a few weeks, but should consistently get better as time goes on. Though it can be difficult to resist, it’s important to not blow your nose until your plastic surgeon says you can (at least one week, but possibly longer), but you can use saline spray and decongestants to help alleviate the congestion. If you do take decongestants, however, make sure that they don’t contain other active ingredients; some can increase your risk for post-operative bleeding). To be safe, check with your surgeon before taking anything.

In addition to the swelling inside your nose, you’ll also have some swelling and bruising around your nose. Some patients develop black eyes, although not all do. Cold compresses can help to reduce both the swelling and the soreness.

Above all, it’s important to protect your nose in the weeks following rhinoplasty. Not only should you avoid contact sports, you should sleep on your back (your surgeon will tell you for how long), and you should be careful around kids, dogs, and anyone/anything else that has a tendency to move suddenly.

As long as you follow instructions, you should be able to go back to work within ten days of surgery, and have great results!