Breast Reduction Exercises – Does It Aid in the Final Result?

Breast Reduction – Can Exercises Aid in the Final Result?

Oversized breasts can be quite uncomfortable and may lead to chronic nerve problems and severe back ache. Just sitting in a comfortable position can be an ordeal. Participating in sports and similar activities becomes problematic as well.

What techniques are used?

Breast reduction surgery helps in alleviating pain and other issues while reducing and toning the breasts to create a look that is more proportionate to one’s frame. Below are some commonly used methods:

  • Standard incision – Usually done when large quantities of tissues require removal.
  • Vertical incision – Often known as the LeJour process, which involves tissue removal in moderate amounts and imparts a shapelier breast. It is one of the most popular procedures.
  • Scarless – Removal of fat via liposuction. Unlike a one-time surgery; it is generally carried out over several weeks.

Does exercise help?

Apart from surgeries, there are some potential breast reduction exercises that can aid in toning and reducing breast sizes.

Breast Reduction Exercises

Push Ups

Keep your hands on the floor and just a little farther apart than shoulder width – lift the body slowly and gradually lower it towards the floor. Your back needs to be straight, while the positioning of hands either further or closer apart regulates the intensity of push ups.


Using dip bars for this exercise, keep the lower legs crossed and knees bent, while extending yourself at arms length over and above the bars to where the chest almost touches the front of the bar. Lower and raise the body slowly.

Pec Deck Butterflies

This exercise requires a machine too, known as the Pec Deck machine. Adjust the seat to the correct height – once in the sitting position, bring the elbows and forearms together as you inhale, then returning to original position while exhaling.

Barbell Bench Press

Lie down with your back straight on the bench, and bring the weight to the top of the chest while inhaling, and then exhale while bringing the weight slowly down again. Please make sure you don’t touch the chest when the weight is brought down. Avoid arching the back.

Interested in learning more about potential breast reduction exercises or surgeries? Click the following link to visit our website: Breast Reduction Surgery in San Francisco. Give us a call: ( 415) 392-3333




5 Exercises for Natural Breast Augmentation

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes but sometimes it can use a little help. We all use the best skin products to help our skin glow, the best makeup to emphasize our best features, and eat the best food to stay trim and lean - why not do some work to help boost your breasts? While there is nothing much that can be done about the cup size of your breasts (that’s what breast augmentation is for), you can help them look better with just a few exercises that will work on your chest muscles and help hold your breasts up.


  • Push Ups. This is a classic chest exercise that directly firms up your pectoral chest muscles. Starting in a push-up position (either from your toes, or in a modified position on your knees), ensure that the line of your head, neck, back, and toes (or knees) are all aligned in a straight line. Slowly lower to the floor, bending at the elbows while maintaining that straight line. Return to the starting position. Form is key in this exercise; it’s easy to droop and do it incorrectly but it is the correct form that will properly work your chest muscles.


  • Chest Press. You need some weights for this one, but don’t worry, they don’t have to be dumbells or anything fancy; you can use soup cans or water bottles instead. Lying on your back with a weight in each hand, hold the weights directly above you with straight arms so that your hands are directly over your shoulders. Slowly lower the weights by bending your elbows and allowing them to fly out until the weights are even with your chest. Pull your abdominals in and push back up to the starting position.

Chest Press

  • Plank. This one is deceptively simple, yet very difficult. Start in a push up position. Ensure the line is straight from your toes, through your hips and back, to your neck and head. Pull in your abdominal muscles, tighten your buttocks, and hold. Stay relaxed and hold to the count of 30 to start. Slowly work your way up to 2 minutes of planking.


  • Tricep Dips. While it may seem counter-intuitive to do this exercise, it does really help strengthen chest muscles also. Start with a bench, or chair, behind you and position your hands on it, shoulder width apart. With your legs extended on the floor in front of you, slowly bend your elbows, lowering your body until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. Push back up to the starting position. Bending your legs can make this exercise a little easier until you work up to the full expression.

Tricep Dip

  • Pectoral Flies. This exercise really feels like you’re working your chest. You’ll need some light weights for this one as well. Using a bench, lie on your back with a weight in each hand. Extend your arms, palms up, out to your side until your hands are even with your chest. Keep a slight bend in your elbows. Raise the weights straight up until your hands touch straight above your chest. Lower your arms to the side again and repeat.

Pectoral Fly


Keeping up a daily regimen will boost your breasts in no time! If breast augmentation is something you’re considering, be sure to call Dr. Rajagopal at the San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center for help and advice about the procedure.


Correctional Labiaplasty (Labiaplasty Revision)

How to Correct Botched / Bad Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty – sometimes referred to as Vaginoplasty is a growing trend, as it can rejuvenate the appearance of your vaginal area, increase tightness and improve discomfort.  But what happens when you are unsatisfied with the results of your labiaplasty?  Read on to learn more.

Labiaplasty is sometimes referred to as labial trimming or labia reduction, which involves restructuring of the labia majora and minora. The terms labiaplasty and vaginoplasty are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are not the same. The former is for indicating procedures on the external folds of skin surrounding the vulva, also known as vaginal lips, while the latter is for surgery of the vaginal opening.

What happens during botched labiaplasty?

The labia are certainly an important part of the female organ which naturally plays a major role in their sex life. However, a deformed or enlarged labia can be not only embarrassing, but also quite uncomfortable while wearing tight outfits, gym clothes or swimsuits. Labia reduction procedures are also performed to repair the labia after injury, childbirth, and even disease. Unfortunately, when performed by a less skilled surgeon, this particular surgery could go horribly wrong and damage the delicate regions even further! A "botched" labioplasty can also lead to asymmetrical labia, in which one labium is quite noticeably larger than the other.

How is a "botched" labiaplasty procedure corrected?

With proper correctional labiaplasty procedures; only one side of the labia is operated on to ensure that both sides are of an equal proportions. This can be done by direct excision and reduction. A strip of the minora is removed from the inner folds, which leave an incision along the edge of the structure. Another method, which is less popular, involves removing a V-shaped portion of the labia minora to decrease the muscle mass, which doesn’t require an incision along the outside edge. Reshaping outer lips to reduce bulkiness in the majora, requires liposuction and liposculpting.

What is the recommended "down time" after vaginoplasty / labiaplasty?

While this procedure might sound complex, correctional labiaplasty is actually quite simple and takes about an hour. Patients are generally given local anesthesia and a sedative for relaxation. Although the after-effects vary, you might feel a slight tingly sensation or the labia can remain swollen for a few days. Activities like sexual intercourse, heavy lifting, running, jogging, biking etc. should be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks.

V-Line – Face Slimming using Botox (Asian Cosmetic Surgery)


A V-shaped face is highly coveted and is considered to be one of the more desired face shapes. Originally, it was Koreans who coined the term “V-line”, which is used to denote face contouring techniques for toning facial features by eliminating puffy cheeks, double chin, etc. to structure the face in a V-shape. However, it's popularity quickly caught on with Americans and Europeans as well.

Why opt for facial contouring or face slimming?

Facial contouring or face slimming helps to impart a V-shape face with sculpted cheekbones that narrow and converge in a sharp angle towards the chin. The face becomes slimmer in profile – Many Asians opt to use a popular facial slimming treatment with Botox and fillers, which helps to sculpt the face and make you look younger, while the skin looks smoother, more refreshed and much healthier than before. The best part is it doesn’t require any surgery!

Am I an ideal candidate for Face Slimming or Shaping?

This procedure is ideal for those with:

  • A square-shaped jawline

  • An overly masculine jaw structure

  • Chubby or bloated cheeks

  • Double chin

Will my face actually become slimmer, or just look like it?

Botox (Botulinum Toxin ) helps the jaw muscles to relax, thereby stimulating a soothing sensation, while causing the chewing muscles to become thinner.  The injected Botox will block the nerve impulses of the muscles in the selected area, reducing any lines or wrinkles, while ensuring the cheekbones long sculpted and the face is “lifted”. Your overall appearance looks fresher, which imparts a youthful appearance. This method is ideal for those who don’t want to “go under the knife” with surgical procedures. V-line techniques involve a few simple injections to the selected areas, with numbing cream applied prior to treatment so you don’t feel pain or discomfort. Sophisticated equipment and the finest of needles are used for injections, thereby reducing any itching, bruising, bleeding, or redness. If you experience these issues post-treatment, talk to your doctor.

How long do the effects of facial slimming last?

The effects of face slimming are noticeable after 3 to 5 days. Your skin is smooth and supple, while the puffiness and double chin disappears. Botox is specifically targeted towards certain areas, so it doesn’t impair functionality of other facial muscles. This effect can last up to 3 to 4 months, after which few follow-up sessions are required for maintenance. However, once the facial muscles get habituated and effects last longer, these sessions can be schedules once every 6 months or so.

Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation (V-Line Face Slimming) Procedure Video

Labiaplasty Revisions San Francisco - Corrective Labiaplasty

"Botched" Labiaplasty Correction Services

Have you undergone a labiaplasty procedure which produced less than desirable results? Unfortunately, this seems to be a growing trend as many women face this problem due to choosing an unreliable clinic or inexperienced surgeon. It's only natural to feel upset when you invest financially and emotionally in a procedure and the final result is unsatisfactory. An improperly done labiaplasty surgery might leave you with an irregularly shaped labia and severe scarring, or simply, an unsatisfactory end result. However, a corrective labiaplasty procedure performed by an experienced and reliable surgeon can fix the damage done during the initial surgery.


How does corrective labiaplasty work?

You will want to be sure to bring previous reports and documentation to your appointment. Restorative surgery might include reshaping, re-tightening, and other techniques to ensure the results meet your expectations. Irregularities caused from the initial surgery can be smoothed out and scars may be reduced. Soluble stitches are used, which dissolve on their own, thereby resulting in minimal scarring.


Why choose San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center?

We are proud to have the esteemed Dr. Usha Rajagopal at our practice. As one of the top cosmetic surgeons in San Francisco; Dr. Rajagopal has performed labia reduction as well as corrective procedures on countless patients while producing incredible results. A truly talented female doctor, she is extremely professional and takes the time to understand the concerns of her patients.  Give us a call today to schedule your free consultation!