Acne itself is a frustrating condition and the scars it leaves can be an embarrassment through life. Fortunately, at the San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center we offer the full range of acne treatment protocols to help patients reduce or eliminate this scarring.

From the mildest skin care treatments and maintenance to the surgical removal of scar tissue, Dr. Rajagopal and her team have done it all, thousands of times and know what will be the right approach for you.

Why Consider Acne Scar Treatment?

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States and the scarring that can result from even mild to moderate acne can lead to embarrassment and loss of self-esteem.  

With the effective treatments available to reduce or eliminate acne scars, it just makes sense to get relief from this cosmetic condition.

Treatments for Acne Scars

The right treatment plan will depend on your personal situation, and the extent and severity of the scarring.  Older scars and newer ones are treated in their own way, as are scars of different qualities and depths.  However, generally speaking, acne scar revision treatment consists of a combination of procedures, all of which are performed by Dr. Rajagopal and her team of cosmetic specialists at San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center.

Here are some of those treatments and procedures:

  • Laser Skin Resurfacing: Acne scarring can be significantly improved with the help of CO2 laser treatments. This leading edge cosmetic laser technology produces mild, long-lasting improvements in skin texture and tone.

  • Infini RF Treatment for Acne Scars: INFINI RF radiofrequency microneedling is the next step beyond CO2 Fractional lasers. This system delivers controlled radiofrequency energy that breaks down the acne scars that lie deep under your skin. All this, while sparing the top layers of the skin. INFINI is best suited for atrophic and rolling acne scars as well as pore size reduction, and is safe for all skin tones.

  • Bellafill: Bellafill is a simple, non-invasive solution for the treatment of acne scars. Injected under the skin, this dermal filler lifts and increases volume in the affected areas, producing smoother, clearer skin.

  • Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion is an acne scar treatment done under local or general anesthesia. This treatment helps to “refinish” the skin’s top layers through controlled surgical scraping where sharp edges and surface irregularities are eliminated giving the skin a smoother appearance.

  • TCA Peels: TCA Chemical Peels can be used successfully on all skin types, and in our hands, has an excellent safety profile. When used correctly, it’s an excellent method to treat selected acne scars. The concentration of the peel and the specific technique are applied in accordance to the skin type and the depth of scarring.

  • Subscision and Excision: Procedures such as subscision and excision are performed by Dr. Rajagopal to treat certain forms of acne scarring. Subscision is ideal for deep tethered scars, while excision is used for very deep enlarged acne pores and ice-pick scars

These surgical techniques are often combined with Fractional Laser, TCA peels and sometimes demabrasion as part of a full program for acne scar revision.

Why choose Dr. Rajagopal and the San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center for your acne scar treatment?

Acne scar treatments should only be administered under the supervision of a trained, qualified, and licensed practitioner such as Dr. Usha Rajagopal and her medical staff at San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center.

  • Practice Led by Board Certified Female Plastic Surgeon

  • Over 20 Years of Cosmetic Surgery Experience

  • Friendly and Professional Female Staff

  • 1,000 successful cosmetic procedures performed in the S.F. area

  • Top-rated Bay Area female plastic surgeon (

  • Top-rated Bay Area Cosmetic Procedure Center (

  • Reliable, Positively Reviewed Results

  • Affordable Pricing and Financing Options

Please give us a call here at San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center to schedule your acne scar treatment consultation.

*More information about acne scar treatments is available on this website.

Please take a look at our pages on microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, v beam laser, Bellafill® and laser skin resurfacing.