Renuva Treatment in San Francisco

Renuva in San Francisco Usha Rajagopal

Renuva in San Francisco

Renuva is a long-lasting all-natural injectable extracellular matrix rich with regenerative properties which allow the body to recruit new fat cells to attach to it. This is a safe and non-invasive alternative to fat transfer with liposuction. Renuva can also be used for: nasolabial folds, cheek filling, temple, buttocks, hand rejuvenation, labia majora, breast contouring (rippling and visibility of breast implant), lipo irregularities, and depressed scars.

Renuva is like fat grafting to an area that needs more fat and is donated material from a cadaver. The cells are not true fat cells. They are cells that generate fat in the human body. Even though Renuva is donated tissue there is no problem with rejection. 

The Renuva product comes in syringes. We further blend it to make it thinner and easier to inject and then treat areas that need more fullness and smoothness. It is important to understand that Renuva works in areas that already have fat. Most of our bodies have fat throughout –including the face, body, buttocks, etc – so it’s great in all these areas. Areas without fat, such as the lips and right underneath the eyes, are not good areas to treat with Renuva.

Benefits of Renuva

  • You don’t have to harvest fat

  • Doesn’t require general anesthesia 

  • Simple treatment

  • Doesn’t require downtime

What to Expect During Your Renuva Treatment

  1. Apply numbing cream to the area we will treat

  2. Numb for 30 minutes prior to injecting

  3. We will use either a needle or cannula to inject depending on the area

  4. Expect some swelling and bruising after the treatment

Dr. Rajagopal recommends 3 treatments completed every 6-8 weeks apart for best results. Once the treatment is done and the swelling subsides, the results usually come down to one-third of what you notice at the injection session. This is why we recommend 3 treatments for full results. 

Preparing for Your Renuva Treatment

The preparation is similar to any other filler treatment. Dr. Rajagopal recommends that you stop any blood thinners one week prior. For example, this would be any over-the-counter aspirin-containing products: Motrin, Aleve, Advil, that fall in the family of anti steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Avoid these for a week because it can increase your chance of bruising afterward.

After Your Renuva Treatment

You may have some discomfort and swelling for approximately 24-48 hours. You will feel a bit sore in the area of injection. You may have some bruising that will last several days. 

Renuva Results

How long does it take Renuva to work?

You may notice improvement and subtle results from Renuva immediately after your treatment. However, it can take up to three to five months for the formula to fully take effect and for the body to reveal your full results.

Am I A Candidate For Renuva?

The best way to learn if you’re a candidate for Renuva is to set up a consultation with Dr. Rajagopal.

What are the most popular areas to treat with Renuva?

  • Face (temples that are hollowing; cheeks that need more volume; nasolabial folds) 

  • Women who had a breast augmentation in the past and are now seeing rippling in certain areas

  • Contour defects and irregularities after liposuction

  • Buttocks to achieve more volume

  • Labia majora (adding plumpness and restoring youthfulness)

Why Choose Dr. Usha Rajagopal For Renuva in San Francisco?

Dr. Rajagopal performs many Renuva treatments and is highly sought after for her expertise as an injector and a plastic surgeon. The Renuva treatment is a great new tool for thin patients who don’t have enough fat to qualify for fat transfer. This is also a great option for patients who don’t want to undergo fat transfer surgery and would like to have contour defects or divots corrected. Renuva is a great option because by doing this treatment your body regenerates its own fat and smooths out the area of concern.